Monday, July 20, 2009

Book Moments: Change of Pace and Diversion…

How does a girl move from courtesans to clergy?…Easy if you’re a book junkie. I hadn’t even finished In The Company of The Courtesan (see review), that I was already into Pope Joan. As quickly as I jumped from one book to the other, that’s how quickly my allegiance changed. (All you historical fiction bloggers can totally relate, I'm sure:)

I’ve decided that it all comes down to one thing for me; I just love reading everything about the different facets of historical women’s lives. For me, there’s always a connection amongst these women- no matter how different their lives or views might be: Strength is the key element- whether it be in love, spirituality, governance, principles or basic personality-their individual determination is what keeps me wanting to read more about these women of the past.

So, right now I’m glued to Pope Joan. I’m almost done reading and will have my review up shortly after that. For some of you who haven’t gone to check out the Red Carpet Event yet; you need to do so before July 31st- don’t miss this fantastic chance!

And here’s something I’m really excited about: February’s love month release: O, Juliet! This upcoming book by Robin Maxwell should be the perfect Valentine read. I am soo looking forward to this one…especially since I spent my childhood summers playing in those very castle grounds…ahhh! Can’t wait to read O, Juliet! For now, here’s the cover artwork and the back cover copy.



Jackie said...

Pope Joan is one of my favorite books ever!! Incredibly interesting and thought provoking. Love it!!

Passages to the Past said...

I love me some strong women too! After reading of the trials and turmoils these women went through back then, make us women these days look like sissies =)

I'm really excited about O, Juliet too!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lucy,

Your book thoughts are beautiful. I feel the same way is all about "strength."

Ingrid Mida said...

This weekend, I read my first novel in about 5 months. After doing so much scholarly reading, it was a delight! I feel like lounging about for the rest of the summer with a selection of your recommended reads.... Wouldn't that be lovely?

Anonymous said...

I adore that painting behind O Juliet. I love that kind of artwork it's absolutely beautiful. I have Pope Joan on my list but I've been hearing such rave reviews on it now I guess I HAVE to take it out :) I've read an excerpt and it did catch my attention.

Yet I know what you mean about switching so suddenly while reading historical fiction. Right now I have several Victorian books reading, then a couple from WWII, and I had just finished some Tudor stuff. I think I broke the Time Machine. Har har. :P

Sheila DeChantal said...

O Juliet looks wonderful - what a great cover (I am such a cover snob!)

Cant wait to read more. I love following what you are reading!

Arleigh said...

And I thought you were in a reading slump! Can't wait to read the review. This is another book I really want to read, but just haven't yet. I'm excited about the upcoming Maxwell novel as well!

BurtonReview said...

Ditto what Arleigh said. I actually wrote something earlier but obviously it didn't take, Blogger is so fun sometimes, eh?
I was saying something along the lines that I judge books by their cover as a bad habit and I really want to have the cover I mean Book for O Juliet. LOVE That cover.

Viola said...

I've heard nothing but good reports about 'Pope Joan' so I'll put it on my TBR list. If only I could join the Red Carpet Event, but it's not available here.

I like Robin Maxwell's writing as well. Thank you for telling us about the Juliet book.

Darlene said...

I have no problems jumping from one period to another especially if the character captivates me. I can't wait to read Pope Joan. I'm really looking forward to it. The cover on O, Juliet is absolutely beautiful.

Trouvais said...

Hi Lucy...Castle grounds..what castle grounds? Tell me more!!!

Rich Mom, Rich Dad. Poor Mom, Poor Dad. said...

Thanks for the help on my question about Blog Tours, Lucy!

When you get a moment, come on by and pick up your award!