Enchanted by Josephine is launching its own historical reading challenge for 2010!
The reading Challenge will run from January 1st to December 15th 2010.
***All you have to do is read any Historical Fiction or Non-fiction books based on French history or French historical figures. Books can also overlap with other Challenges.
Reading Levels:
La Princesse: Read 3 books
La Dauphine: Read 6 books
La Reine: Read 9 books
L’Impératrice: More than 9 books
To join:
1) Paste my French Historicals Oh-La-La! Challenge button on your sidebar- with a link to this page
(Don't you love that button- Arleigh of Historical-Fiction.com made it for me! Thanks Arleigh:)
2) Post about this on your blog
3) Come back to comment and leave a link to your post to let me know that you're on board!
ALSO: If you're interested, throughout the months, I'd like to occasionally post your reviews of the books you've read for my challenge. So, if you'd like to see them here on EBJ as:
Reviews byFriends of The French Historicals -Oh- La-La! Challenge
Just send me an email at: enchantedbyjosephine@gmail.com
At the end of the year, I will have a GIVEAWAY by selecting a winner from all who have joined.
So, are you in...Oui ou Non?

Yay! I'm the first one in! I posted the button and made a post http://themaidenscourt.blogspot.com/2010/01/french-historicals-oh-la-la-challenge.html. I chose the lowest level - because I am challenge overwhelmed, haha. But I will probably increase the level as time goes by. Great idea Lucy!
I have your button posted and I'll make a post about it as soon as my current post has had its run. I'm going for the highest level, because I plan to read lots of French history this year :)
Count me in Lucy! What a French-tastic challenge!
I will be posting this and putting it on my sidebar shortly!
I'm not sure what level I'll reach, but I;m going for broke! Love them frenchies!
I love this idea! I'm definately on board. In my post, I put a list of books I'm considering. Take a look. I'd be great if you guys shared yours too. Maybe we'll even read some of the same books :)
Thanks for this challenge, Ms. Lucy.
My post is up at http://lifetakeslemons.wordpress.com/2010/01/18/viva-la-france/
Hi Lucy, Thanks for coming by earlier. And yes...LOVE that button. And love having it on my page. I put your challenge in the blog post today and you can definitely count me in too! It is exactly what I need! I'll never keep up with you and Amy but I'll do my best to make myself proud!
Bon Lundi!
I'm in Ms. Lucy. The button is beautiful! Count me in for La Princesse for now.
I will post tomorrow on my blog and let you know.
OOH LALA I had to take a peek at work.. & OUI
Je suis IN
Je ne sais pas le francais muy bien apres cinque ans dans l'ecole.
oui oui! Je ne suis pas bon au français, mais j'aime lire!
Here is my post ;) http://haleymathiot.blogspot.com/2010/01/french-historical-challenge.html
Also I'd love it if you'd like to post any of the reviews for the challenge :) love the button btw.
I am so down for this! I love the button and I will get working on posting it up asap! I will come back and post my link.
Sign me up, Lucy! Here is my post about this challenge! We have some good ones to include for this challenge coming up at the Round Table. So excited!!
I will definitely join this one. French history is so interesting! I will start with three books.
Of course I had to sign up for your challenge Lucy! Here's my post over at my challenge blog: http://enchantedbyjosephine.blogspot.com/2010/01/french-historical-challenge-oh-la-la.html
I told you I would be reading one of Gulland's Josephine books this year =O)
Very interesting challenge
My post on the Challenge
I just have to say that I LOVE that name of this challenge and the idea! So original!
I have an award for you:
I just HAD to sign up for this challenge! It sounds like so much fun!
Here is my blogpost about it: http://rococofleurs.blogspot.com/2010/01/enchanted-by-josephine-french.html
I have also added your fabulous button to my blog!
Such a great idea!
I'm in - my signup post is here!
French history was my first love so this is very much my cup of tea. In fact I'd like to share some recommendations of French historicals I've loved in the past:
The Queen's Confession by Victoria Holt - novel in the first person about Marie Antoinette. This was the book that launched my love of French history.
A Rose for Virtue by Norah Lofts - another first person about Josephine's daughter Hortense.
I also enjoyed Desiree by Annemarie Selinko, about Napoleon's one-time fiancee who ends up as Queen of Sweden, Desiree Clary.
I'd also like to ask for recommendations - for anything from the Second Empire/Empress Eugenie period.
What a great idea, Lucy! And I love this button...
Looking forward to this great challenge.
Challenge post is here http://enchantedbyjosephine.blogspot.com/2010/01/french-historical-challenge-oh-la-la.html
Have added button with link to sidebar.
Cool challenge! I am in and going for La Dauphine! Grabbed the button and posted:
Sent you an e-mail, too. Thanks!
Hi Lucy,
I don't know how you manage it all. Short stories are about the only thing I can finish these days. You're amazing. I like your new look over here - so pretty in pink.
You gave me the best chuckle this morning. One of the letters didn't make it onto a word and the sentence took on a whole new meaning. I've left you a message.
Have a great day, my friend -
Oui! I am rather excited!
My link is here: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/01/french-historicals-oh-la-la-challenge.html
I look forward to months of reading fun! Thank you for hosting this fabulous reading challenge.
Oui! I'm in too! Here's my post about the challenge.
What a wonderful idea - I am definitely in!
Oui Lucy, I am officially signed up for this challenge! This is going to be a great one. Thanks for hosting it :) Here is the link to my post...its in my sidebar too:
I would love to join this challenge but this year I've already joined so many that with full time study starting in a few weeks I don't think I'd have time to add books to my overburdened schedule. Hope you run it next year thought because I already know what books I'd read for it. I'd read the Jean Plaidy series set in France, well of course, that would give me an excuse to buy them. Next year for sure!
I'm really excited for this challenge! I'm new to Blogger, and I want to start reading as much as I did when I was in high school so this is perfect for me.
Here is the link to my blog post:
My signup post is now up. I am aiming for Princesse.
Hey Lucy...I'm on board...better late than never...right :} I've posted your button on my sidebar and stepped up for the challenge and the fun this year. I'm going for six books, "Dauphine" status! I've also posted about this fun challenge on my blog: http://con-tain-it.typepad.com/my_weblog/2010/01/more-book-giveaways-passages-to-the-past.html
and on my facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#/profile.php?id=1222723325&ref=nf
Thanks for hosting this challenge Lucy :}
I just signed up for this challenge:
I am currently aiming to read nine books (La Reine).
I just signed up here. Thanks for hosting this! :-)
and i'm here: http://vvb32reads.blogspot.com/2010/02/french-historicals-oh-la-la-challenge.html
i'm soooo looking forward to the reads ;-D
I'm really looking forward to this challenge and seeing what everyone chooses to read!
The link to my first post about the challenge is below:
Just a question before I go and sign myself up (which I'll do regardless of the answer). Would actual books written in what we would now consider an historical period count? I ask because I am going to be reading a Colette book and a Zola book in the near future. They were, of course, writing about their contemporary time, but it's so far in the past now that they seem historical. If they don't count, I'll probably just focus on the Gulland books
Thanks for letting me know Zola and Colette are okay for the challenge. I posted my link before I knew, hence the comment in it, but here's my post: http://booknaround.blogspot.com/2010/03/french-historicals-oh-la-la-challenge.html
I posted a page with ALL current reading challenges. Let me know if you want me to add any other information to your challenge. I hope it brings even more readers to your challenge!
Reading Challenges.
Rachelle (Bibliobabe)
Bonjour Josephine.
We're promoting your contest on the Francophilia Gazette!
Ooh la la, count me in. Just got two new French history books today.
I am reading The Queen's Dollmaker so that'll be my first read for the challenge.
My blog just changed servers, so I'd like to update it, Miss Picky's Column is now here.
I've joined the challenge and posted about it here.
(I apologize if this posts twice, my internet acted up juuust as I posted so I'm not quite sure!)
I've joined the challenge and posted about it here: http://vivelareine.tumblr.com/post/526178839
I should just sign up for this challenge, since I've been thinking about it for a few days and have my books half picked out already! I'll start with 3 books and see where I go from there.
I've got my sign up post here: http://afewofmyfavouritebooks.wordpress.com/2010/04/28/ooh-la-la-another-reading-challenge/ so I guess it wasn't that difficult! ;)
A smidgen late, but I've joined up. :D
My sign-up post is here: http://baroque-tragedy.livejournal.com/10220.html
I'm in. I'm going for "La Princesse".
Can non-bloggers join? I am new to reader book blogs and challenges and would love to try this challenge.
Hope i'm not too late to join!
I'm in at La Princess and see how i go .
First time blogger here... made a blog after an inspiration from this blog and challenge!
Whoohoo! can't wait!
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