Sunday, April 18, 2010

Book Review: Daughter of Mine, by Laura Fabiani

If you’re a regular follower of this blog, then you know that the only books I ever review are either historical fiction or history (includes art and biographies)...that’s it- except for this time. Huh?
Yes, call it a once in a million time, but this time I was actually interested in reading DAUGHTER OF MINE, by Laura Fabiani. OK, this was just not out of the blue- I was really curious for a number of reasons: Number one, this book is written by a fellow Montrealer- and like me, she’s of Italian origin. Next, the book takes place mostly in Italy and Montreal (two of my favourite places in the world). So...of course I wanted to read this!

DAUGHTER OF MINE, is the story of Tiziana Manoretti, a 27 year-old living in Montreal with her parents (nothing of an oddity for Italian Canadians) and set to find the truth about her birth. After discovering that she was adopted, Tiziana leaves for Naples Italy, in search of the story behind her adoption.
Intricate details lead to a search that seems almost futile, but with the help of the charming Gian-Carlo- a man she feels completely comfortable with from the moment she meets him..strange? No, perfectly natural, actually... (I’ll say no more to avoid a spoiler;)

Why should finding the truth about her birth and adoption become such a dramatic event? Well, it seems that the family has more to hide than to share. A secret lies in a treasured and secret box...When Tiziana discovers its contents, the pieces of the puzzle come together at last.

What about love? Perhaps her one and only best friend, Christopher holds the key to that locket...or will love be found through Gian Carlo. Whichever way love takes these men, Tiziana will hold the key to their heart.
I loved reading about the familiar places, streets and names of my native Montreal. As well, Italy always captures my heart and this novel brings out its very best.

Laura Fabiani spins a tale that is worth the intrigue, suspense, charm and heart warming moments that this pleasant read brings.

Beautiful! I’m glad I let myself get swept away in this delightful novel- reminiscent of all that is cherished of the old country, its beauty, traditions and forever typical charming flavour blends perfectly with all that is new and worth holding onto.

NOTE: Stay tuned this TUESDAY- when Laura Fabiani Guestposts here at EBJ...GIVEAWAY Included!!!  You don't want to miss this!


Matterhorn said...

Sometimes it's fun to do a different kind of post for a change...quite a tantalizing review, Lucy!

Christina T said...

Lovely review! This sounds like something I'd really enjoy. I love the cover too.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good. I haven't been to Montreal in years. I grew up 65 miles South in New York State. I never got a chance to explore it as an adult. May get my husband to go this summer when we are home visiting relatives. It has a lot to offer.
I look forward to the guest post, it should be interesting.

Anonymous said...

As first born sons and daughters of immigrants, as I include myself, it is inevitable that we are drawn to our roots. In a sense, we cannot claim either nor both countries as 'home'. At least I could not. 'Daughter of Mine' speaks to me of an inescapable bond to our lineage brought forth in Tiziana's quest to find her true parents and also reinforced through her relationship with Christopher symbolizing Montreal and Gian Carlo representing the city of Gaeta in Italy.

Anonymous said...

Why, I believe this is the same Laura Fabiani who is such a lovely blogger. I'm glad to hear she has a book out.

BurtonReview said...

sounds like a book that has your name written alllll ovvver it =)
Glad you liked it!

Anonymous said...

You must have really enjoyed this one. It looks like a beautiful book. I bet it was fun to recognize the places in Montreal. I love the two guys in her life. Which one will she pick? I also love the box with the secrets. I would totally love this book. I don't blame you. Thanks for really a fun and interesting review.

Laura at Library of Clean Reads said...

Lucy, thanks for such a heartfelt review! We must definitely get together and chat about books and writing. Know a great café?

I appreciate your support and being a part of my blog tour!

Passages to the Past said...

Another great review Lucy! How nice to meet an author so much like yourself! Daughter sounds like a great read!

Lucy said...

Thank you everyone for all the wonderful comments:) I really did enjoy this book- very dear to me with all that`s familiar in it. But, even if this is not the case, there is something for everyone in this book- The power of love and family is huge. Thanks for writing it Laura...and yes, we will definitely have to settle on a cafe that serves a good cappuccino!