I don't usually do Mailbox Monday, (which I absolutely love reading on my favourite blogs)I guess you could call it a lazy thing; I'm just not so diligent about listing the books I receive.
I do post them on Goodreads and Library Thing...but other than that- I'm not very good at keeping up with the posting of it all.I think I might just start listing them manually as they come in- this way I'm ready come Monday morning;) Let's see if I can stick to it next Monday...
Right now I'm in the middle of reading Cleopatra's Daughter,by Michelle Moran, Pendragon's Banner, by Helen Hollick,, The Watsons by Jane Austen,..this is besides the ones I'm getting ready to review for November: Heyer's, The Wind of Blame coming up in November, plus, plus,plus..
And unfortunately, it seems like the ones I've got my heart really set on reading keep getting pushed back.
These include:
The Courts of Love, by Jean Plaidy; a birthday gift from Arleigh at Historical-fiction.com
-Madame Pompadour; from Lauren at Marie Antoinette's Gossip Guide to the 18th century,
-Plight of The Darcy Brothers and The Darcy's and the Bingley's, both sent over by -Barbara from Everything Victorian and More;
-Georgiana, won over at Heather's The Duchess of Devonshire's Gossip Guide
-Duchess, sent to me by Susan Holloway Scott herself (I love this author)
These are only a few of the ones I'm dying to read. Then there's my antique collection of memoirs that it seems I'll never get to. Mind you, I've managed to read a chapter here and there of all the books mentioned- so at least I feel like I'm not depriving myself totally. And to top it all, I'm already beginning to salavate about the books that I have yet to receive, but that are on their way. This is definitely a compulsion or addiction of sorts. Stop complaining and get to reading!!
Change of pace...let's talk Austen for a bit. I'm so glad I entered the Everything Austen Challenge as it seems this is another over-indulgence of mine. Austen sequels, letters, excerpts, older volumes, new authors in the genre...I'm there. Can't get enough of Austen -related reads. So imagine how thrilled I was this morning to see that over at Psychotic State, I won the giveaway for Lydia Bennet's Story!!!
Thanks for being so patient with me this morning-It had been a while and I really needed to rant-...As a Delicious Austen-tasting reward for patiently reading my post, here is a GIVEAWAY that's sure to delight:
Thanks to Crown Publishing's wonderful generosity,Enchanted By Josephine has 5 copies of Lady Vernon and Her Daughter: A Novel of Jane Austen's Susan by Jane Rubino and Caitlen Rubino-Bradway!!
* Giveaway ends on October 16th. Winner will be announced on October 17th.
* Open to US entries ONLY.
* For 5 additional entries sign up as a follower; if you already are a follower you will automatically get this.
* For another additional one entry: post, sidebar, facebook or twitter about this giveaway.
Thanks so much for this giveaway! I'm a follower (Neas Nuttiness) and I subscribe via email.
awesome giveaway! I'm a new follower and i posted at twitter.com/haleymathiot
haleymathiot at yahoo dot com
I'd love to win this! I am a follower.
Please enter me in this giveaway.
I'm a follower.
Also, I'm having a giveaway of Pope Joan over at A Bookshelf Monstrosity if anyone's interested in entering!!
Include me in your giveaway!! I am a follower of your blog and twitter page....
For some reason everytime I try to post a comment, a Microsoft Authentication popup comes up telling me Twitter API is asking for my password. I cancel it and everything goes along fine, but I just though I'd let you know. Maybe the twitter widget you have is acting weird?
And as far as your potential Mailbox posts, I definitely create them as I have the time. And keep adding to it when new books come in. And finish it up on the weekends =)
I can totally relate to all the books that you wnat to read, vs. the ones you must read although you do want to read those too, but you must read them for review, and NOW... LOL
If we could just tell real-life to stop it already so we can READ!!
Please add my name to the list here, and *I really do follow* =)
u have my email
I would love to read this one! What a generous giveaway! Please enter me...I'm a follower, too.
thetometraveller *at* yahoo (dot) com
Wow...her ears must have been burning and her nose a twitchin' with all those tongues wagging about her. And that lady with peacock feathers stuck in her hair :o Surely a last minute thought :)
Thanks for this giveaway. I already am a follower.
Wow, Lucy, you got some good ones this week! And I agree with Marie...I only end up doing Mailbox Mondays every so often, and I try to include ones I've missed, but I know I can't possibly list them all (or remember exactly when they come in!). I really enjoyed Susan Holloway Scott's Duchess: A Novel of Sarah Churchill, and I have The King's Favorite: A Novel of Nell Gwyn and King Charles II, but I'm looking to get Royal Harlot: A Novel of the Countess Castlemaine and King Charles II and read the mistresses of Charles II trilogy in order. AND I've still got to read The Loves of Charles II by Jean Plaidy for the reading group! Whew--that's a lot of books right there, and that's not even the beginning! Anxiously awaiting Maxwell's O, Juliet, as we have discussed many times before - that is one that will definitely go straight to the top of the TBR pile, regardless of whatever else I might be reading at the time!
This is a great giveaway you are hosting, and how fitting that you just finished Lady Susan! I will have to read Lady Susan and this new book, preferably in that order.
I would love to win this one, of course you know I am already a follower :) and I am posting this on my sidebar right now!! You have my e-mail, and it's also on my profile :)
I know how you feel about pushing back books. And it's not that I don't enjoy the ones I am reading - its just sometimes I want something else. I have had The Duchess forever - but haven't gotten to read it yet. As for Mailbox Monday posts- I keep a list of what I am expecting and then as they come in, I move them to the list for that Mondays date- that way I can keep track of what I am still waiting for and my list is almost done for the post. Also, like Marie, I keep getting that twitter message.
I liked the trailer! Thank you for the giveaway. I am a new follower. :) I like the Monday Mailbox although I wish it was a Saturday meme. I like to mini "promo" books I get and like to see what others have gotten too. Now if I could just find time to list the review books as they come in!
Hi Lucy,
Thank you so much for checking out my blog and your kind words! It is always nice to meet other Jane Austen fans! I am looking forward to spending more time checking out your blog. I would like to be entered for this contest (I am now a follower of your blog, too). Thank you for the wonderful opportunity.
PS: Are you reading the fragment of Jane Austen's The Watsons or has it been completed by someone else?
Sorry, forgot to put my email address up!
Thanks for the amazing giveaway.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
This sounds like such a good book! I would like to enter. Thank you
I now follow your blog.
Hi Lucy~ Sounds like you've got quite a stack. I try to do a bunch of my reading before I ever get out of bed in the morning. I started polling people to find out how they got books read and a few said, early in the morning. At night you're too tired, during the day too busy so early morning it is (if you don't have to be anywhere right away). Works but still need to actually schedule some time in my day just for that, maybe at the end of the workday before dinner. I keep saying that but there's always more to do.
Anyway, would love to be entered here. And hope you're having a fabulous week!
Happy Reading!
Hi Lucy -
I am so glad you won my giveaway - - it thrills me that a book I enjoyed so much is being passed along to someone who is as delighted with Jane Austen as I am. I hope that you really enjoy it!
- Lori
You sound like you are having a ball what with all the reading and collecting and all the other bookish goodness. I, too, am really crazy about all the Austen titles out there right now. There are so many out there, and most of them seem really intriguing. I'd love to be entered into your giveaway, the books sounds really interesting. I am also a follower.
I would LOVe to win this!!!
Thankyou!! :D:D:D
I would be so happy if I won this!!! It looks like an amazing book.
What a wonderful preview video! I would be so excited to win this! :)
I'm a new follower--your blog is right up my alley. :D
Would love to read in this genre. Mostly I am reading textbooks now and would enjoy something different. Awesome idea.
What a different take on Austen sequels! I'd love to read this. I follow via Bloglines --
Please enter me. I have been hearing great things about this.
+5 already a follower
I won this at Lizzy's so you can now take my name off.. wooo hooo for everyone else here =)
This seems like a great book; please count me in. I'm already a follower. Thanks!
Love your blog and all things Austen!
Please enter me!
I follow your blog and on Twitter!
Thank you so much!
Hi Include me in your giveaway!! I am a follower of your blog and twitter page.... momkelly2003(at)yahoo(dot)com Thanks!!
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