Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Author Guest Post + Pendragon's Banner- GIVEAWAY!!!!

Today, here at EBJ, I have the great pleasure of presenting to you Helen Hollick, author of the King Arthur Trilogy: The King Making, Pendragon’s Banner, and Shadow King, amongst other great novels she’s written.

Helen has graced my blog with an amazing post on Gwenhwyfar, Arthur’s great heroine!

Please welcome Helen Hollick.

Hello Lucy,

When I first started writing what would eventually become The Pendragon’s Banner Trilogy, I had intended to write Gwenhwyfar’s story, even writing it as first person. This did not work well however, although it took me many months and a lot of paper screwed up and thrown into the bin to realise it!

It gradually dawned on me that I wanted to write the story from Arthur’s viewpoint, to place him as the lead character, and I also discovered that writing in third person narrative was far more rewarding, as I could explore more than one character in detail.

My Arthur is a complex character. He was abused as a child, grew up to be a lonely man who could never trust anyone – except the love of his life, Gwenhwyfar. As with all complex people though, their relationship is like a roller-coaster ride, never smooth. They squabble and argue – but equally have a deep passion for each other.

I wanted to make Gwenhwyfar a feisty character, someone who has a sword and knows how to use it. A girl – and a woman – with passion in her heart and a deep, deep, unbreakable loyalty, even though this loyalty is often stretched to (and often beyond) its limit. I have never seen Gwenhwyfar (or Guinevere as she is more commonly called in the Medieval Tales) as a woman who betrayed her King. Nor have I ever liked the “romance” stories of Arthur with Knights in Armour, the Holy Grail, Round Table, etc. I’m sorry to say they never did anything for me. I dislike Lancelot, and could never understand what Guinevere saw in him (especially in the movie Camelot – Richard Harris as Arthur was SO much better!)

I was determined, therefore, to write my story as it may have really happened, no myth, magic or fantasy. No Knights, Grails or Round Tables. No Merlin and no Lancelot. And MY Gwenhwyfar was going to be the sort of women who was capable, calm, infinitely patient – and above all 100% loyal.

I decided to place her as the only daughter of a real Welsh Prince – Cunedda of Gwynedd. He, and his nine sons are well documented, so I figured adding one daughter would be acceptable. To my delight as I was wading through lists of genealogies – admittedly not necessarily reliable – and came across a daughter for Cunedda. Her name was Gwen!

I fell in love with my Arthur as I was writing my books, and I confess, I love Gwenhwyfar too.

Thank you for inviting me onto your blog,


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The pleasure was all mine Helen- Thank you so much!

Now doesn't that whet your appetite for this grand Arthurian tale? Please stay tuned  for my review of this fascinating read- coming soon.

And now…here’s to another treat you’ve all been looking forward to…(drum roll..)

The GIVEAWAY of Pendragon’s Banner, courtesy of Sourcebooks! US and Canada only.

 Here's an excerpt to entice you...

Pendragon's Banner

October 459

§ I

With an exhausted grunt of effort Arthur, the Pendragon, raised his sword and with a deep intake of breath, brought it down through the full force of weight and momentum into the skull of an Anglian thegn. Another battle. Arthur was four and twenty years of age, had been proclaimed Supreme King over Greater and Less Britain three years past by the army of the British - and had been fighting to keep the royal torque secure around his neck ever since.

The man crumpled, instantly dead. Arthur wrenched his blade from shattered bone and tissue with a sucking squelch, a sickening sound, one he would never grow used to. Oh, the harpers told of the glories of battle, the victory, the brave daring skill - but they never told of the stench that assaulted your nostrils, bringing choking vomit to your throat. Nor of the screams that scalded your ears, nor the blood that clung foul and sticky and slippery hands and fingers, or spattered face and clothing.

He turned, anxious, aware that a cavalryman was vulnerable on the ground. His stallion was somewhere to the left, a hindleg injured. The horses. Hah! No harper, no matter how skilled, could ever describe the sound of a horse screaming its death in agony. There was no glory in battle, only the great relief that you were still alive when it was all over.

With slow-expelled breath, the Pendragon lowered his sword and unbuckled the straps of his helmet, let them dangle free, his face stinging from the release of the tight, chaffing leather. He was tired. By the Bull of Mithras, was he tired! Arthur stabbed his sword blade into the churned grass and sank to his knees. His fingers clasped the sword's pommel as he dropped his forehead to rest on his hands, conscious suddenly of the great weariness in his arms and legs and across his neck and shoulders. It had been a long day, a long season. He was bone tired of fighting and the stink of death. He had a wife, two sons born, another child on the way; he needed to be with them, to be establishing a secure stronghold fit for a king and his queen; to be making laws and passing judgements - raising his sons to follow after him. A king needed sons. Llacheu would reach his fourth birthday next month. He needed Gwenhwyfar, but she was to the north, more than a day's ride at Lindum Colonia, uncomfortable in her bulk of child-bearing. Love of Mithras, let it be another son!
"Pendragon's Banner" by Helen Hollick


How to Enter: 

1 Chance: Leave a comment and your email address
2 Chances: Tweet, facebook, blog or place this on your sidebar
3 Chances: Become a follower of this blog (if you already follow, you get this automatically)
**Extra tweeting gives extra chances! Just leave me your link:)

Please note that undisclosed or anonymous profiles are not eligible for this draw.

Good Luck everyone!


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Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Thank you for the great guest post Helen & thanks to Lucy for having you here today. I love the serendipity there being an actual daughter named Gwen for your Gwenhwyfar.
The excerpt was excellent.
Thanks again for sharing,
All the best,
PS - email's in Blogger Profile
PPS - Is Helen on Twitter?

Unknown said...

Would love to get this book! I love all things Arthurian!

I am a follower.

I posted about the giveaway on my blog:

My email addy is:

robinbird_79 AT hotmail DOT com

Jo-Jo said...

I recently read The Kingmaking and just loved it so I really want to win this one!
joannelong74 AT gmail DOT com

Maria Grazia said...

I'm so sad I can't take part in this! :(
But all the same, I want to say your blog is so full of great readings and surprises! It's such a pleasure to drop by and read about all these fantastic historical books! Good luck to all of your readers, taking part in the giveaway, then!

Hot Off the Shelves said...

Please enter me. The book sounds great.


I am a follower.

Katy said...

I'd love to read this book! :) I'm a follower!

Seccionista said...

Oh this is such a great post. Helen Hollick has been in my TBR for a long time now, I better start reading the book I have and add this one to the WL.

Thanks to both of you!

brokenteepee said...

I would LOVE to read this, please enter me.
I am a follower of your blog
thank you

Heather said...

I have had a copy of this book in hardcover for ages, but haven't read it as I coudln't find a copy of 'Kingmaker'. Now that its been re-released I am thrilled. No need to enter in the contest. Thanks for the lovely interview.

BurtonReview said...

Hello Helen and Lucy~ I haven't read the first book.. but I've seen it for quite awhile and have it on my wish list. Perhaps if I win this one, I'll have the push needed to acquire the first!
I am interested in the Arthurian times, and when I read Anna Elliott's Twilight of Avalon, I was hooked!
Please enter me
marieburton2004 at yahoo

Anonymous said...

Would LOVE to read this one...please count me in.

karen k

Zibilee said...

I have not really read much about Arthur, but this series of books sounds very intriguing to me. Please enter me in this giveaway, and thanks for hosting it!


I am also a follower of your blog.

Sheila Deeth said...

How amazing that you found a Gwen. It's just perfect!

sdeeth at msn dot com

And I follow.

Cheryl Carpinello said...


I enjoyed your blog tremendously! I am a high school English teacher who has taught "The Once and Future King" in my classroom for nearly 20 years. We focus on the relevance of the ideas presented to today's world.

I have always been amazed that my students knew nothing of Guinevere except as the woman who married Arthur and then cheated on him. We repeatedly discussed what the girl Guinevere must have been like. My students always left with more to think about than they came in with!

I love your premise for your series and will definitely have to read your books.

As an added note, I did write Guinevere's story as a girl from her viewpoint. My main reasons were my love of Arthurian legend and the need to introduce young readers (grades 3-6) to the girl Guinevere.

Thanks again for an enjoyable read.

Cheryl Carpinello
author of "Guinevere: On the Eve of Legend"

sallymandy said...

I can never get enough of this classic story. It was so interesting learning about the book from the author's point of view.

Miss Haley said...

this sounds fabulous! enter me please

i'm an old follower
haleymathiot at yahoo dot com

Jenny Girl said...

What a great post. I loved Gwen's character, and don't think the real Arthur would have wanted a simpering idiot either. Gwen is so strong and the perfect match for your Arthur.

Darlene said...

Don't enter me Lucy as I have the book. I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this terrific guest post Helen!

Unknown said...

I collect books on King Arthur so I would love to add this one to my collection. Thanks for hosting the giveaway.

Unknown said...

Tweeted here

Unknown said...

I'm a blog follower

Katy said...

Tweeted here:

(I'm new to tweeting, so hopefully I did it right!)

Jessica said...

I'd love to win a copy of the book, I've been wanting to read the trilogy for awhile now.

I'm a follower.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to be included!

mzjohansen said...

Ohhhh! Please enter my name for a copy of this book!
I am already a follower thank goodness!

rubynreba said...

Thanks for the chance to win this!

Reading said...

Please enter me. Thanks for the chance.

lizzi0915 at aol dot con

Helen Hollick said...

thank you everyone for your interest and enthusiasm - I think you are in for a good read!

Thank you also to Lucy for hosting this blog - and for the lovely review!

p.s I'm not on Twitter yet - but as soon as I'm back from vacation in mid November I intend to sign up!

rubynreba said...

I would really like to read this - sounds so good! Thanks!

ibeeeg said...

I loved The Kingmaking and one of the reasons was because of Gwenhwyfar. I really liked her. I really like Helen's version of Gwenhwyfar and Arthur far better than the others I have read to this date.
I look forward to reading The Pendragon's Banner.

I posted a link to this giveaway on my blog's sidebar.

I follow your blog.

I have now tweeted about this giveaway twice.


Marci said...

hi i would love to become a follower and i would like to enter this giveaway! thanks

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Books about the Arthurian legend *sigh* I love them so!

I tweeted:

Posted on Facebook:

on my right sidebar:

I have been a follower for a while now!

Thanks for another great contest =o)


Laura Hartness said...

Thanks for the chance to enter!

*I'm also now a follower

*Tweeted about this.

*Blogged about it as well:



Amanda said...

This is awesome! I've never liked the idea that she betrayed Arthur either. Arg. And I love the viewpoint coming from Arthur. I spent a semester in Wales and fell in love with the country, the people, and the language. I can't wait to read about Gwen.
Thanks for the giveaway!
nycbookgirl at gmail dot com

MarionG said...

Hi I love all the Arther and Pendragon books. I love historical novels. This looks like an awesome read. I'd love to go to Britian and tour these historic sites. polo-puppy-fluffy AT hotmail *dot* com Cheers.
I'm a follower.

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