Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Taking Root in Provence- INTERNATIONAL Paper Back GIVEAWAY!!!

As part of France Book Tours,

 I had the immense pleasure of reading and reviewing 

by Anne- Marie Simons.

What would it be like for you and your loved one to pick up and relocate to another country? How about Provence?!

Anne-Marie Simons and husband, Oscar, did just that a few years ago when they moved from their home in the US, and have never looked back since.  Do you blame them? Aix-en-Provence, according to Anne-Marie's book, Taking Root in Provence, is one festive day after another.  There are saints' days, Corridas, season and harvest days- it's one holiday after another. Even on regular days it would seem the people of Provence are celebrating something!

Being surrounded by friends, family and outrageously delicious food has to count for something..Taking Root in Provence fills you with the need to buy airfare and go!  There is a sense of people taking the time to savour life, not just while eating and celebrating- it's the day-to-day in Provence that adds colour and dimension to people's lives.  Even a trip to the butcher can entail conversation that has one walking out with more than just fresh meat.

Extremely entertaining and well-written, Taking Root in Provence, whisked me away to open-air eating with a nice glass of wine one day- to a Corrida the next (historically, Provence has a strong Spanish influence and even their own dialect).  I loved reading about Simons' customary- after- lunch hikes (the French love hiking- no wonder they're so fit!). And in between lunch and hiking? Lying under a tree and taking a little 'sieste' is de rigueur.

Do you need to get away, even if just mentally? Taking Root in Provence is an absolute- must- read!  With all this packed info on Provence, you can absolutely use it as a guide...but honestly, you will devour this gem for the essence and sheer pleasure it brings. Taking Root in Provencee immerses you into France, and begs you to embrace Provence's ways...who can refuse to taste a bit of this dreamy life?  Speaking of taste, at the back of the book, Oscar shares some delectable recipes.

Join Anne-Marie Simons in her new dreamy life in Provence...You won't want this book to end!



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To read more on this delicious book,
The Tour is announced here:

Two expatriates left Washington DC in search of the ideal place to retire where climate, culture, accessibility and natural beauty all had a role to play. Curious about the vaunted quality of life in the south of France, they traveled the length and width of Provence where, preferring the city to the countryside, they decided to settle in the ancient town of Aix-en-Provence. That was in 1998 and Taking Root in Provence is the story of their slow integration into the French mainstream — both easier and more difficult than expected but ultimately successful.
In a series of vignettes Anne-Marie Simons gives us a warts-and-all picture of life among the French and with warmth and humor shares her lessons learned. Contrary to most publications about Provence, this book focuses on life in the city rather than the quiet countryside, and promises to be both informative and revealing to those who want to spend more than a passing holiday here. [from the author's website]
ISBN 978-0-9802175-7-5
212 pages
Release Date: March 1, 2011 by Distinction Press
 Author Information:
Anne-Marie Simons has worked as a translator, teacher, journalist, sportswriter (covering Formula 1 races), and director of corporate communications.

Her Argentine husband, Oscar, left a career in international development banking to become an expert on Provençal cooking and other local pleasures. [from the publisher’s website]
 Author Links:
 Book Links:
Buy directly from the publisher
Buy on Amazon


Anonymous said...

I would love to read Taking Root in Provence. I can't travel there. I can be an Armchair traveler.:0


Anonymous said...

thanks so much for your awesome review! Emma [FBT] yes, everyone should read this book, I agree!

rhonda said...

This book sounds perfect for me,I can vacation with no jet

Unknown said...

I am always on the lookout for books set in France. This books sounds very interesting. Raquel36m (at) gmail (dot) com

JJT said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Love Provence! jtretin at aol dot com