Tuesday, July 6, 2010


How To Mellify a Corpse (And Other Human Stories of Ancient Science & Superstition), by Vicky Leon

History, mythology, science, cosmetology, superstition...This book’s got it all!  This was my first time reading a book by Vicky Leon- and- I swear it won’t be the last!
I had no idea what I would be getting from a book with a title as unusual as this one.  I was almost afraid it might be too scientifically morbid, or maybe too technical...WOW- I couldn’t have been more off!
This is a FANTASTIC book! How To Mellify a Corpse is definitely the most fascinating and (yes) exciting history read ever.  
Just released today, this tiny 7” x 7”, 300 page book is filled to the rim with stuff I had never even heard about. So at this point, I must give you some examples of shocking truths I was unaware of...For one, lead was the ‘in thing of the day- they used it for almost everything; from sweetener (gasp!) to fermenting agent, to cosmetics and dental work too (shocked!).  Also, I finally got to learn the origin of the ‘evil eye’ myth and who might be most susceptible.  Last, but in no way least, the connection between honey, mollifying and Alexander The Great, finally clicked- unbelievable stuff!
There is so much material covered in this book that will keep you glued (pun;) and completely awestruck.  A cross between senseless ideas that made so much sense; to the simplest of creations that breathe pure genius, How To Mellify a Corpse makes reading about ancient history fun and entertaining. Vicky Leon’s history knowledge is impressive as well as immeasurable.  Backed by an incredible amount of research and accuracy, How to Mellify a Corpse offers an ocean of historical information that’s actually a blast to read!
I highly recommend this book and am bumping it way up my list of most favourite non-fiction reads.
I now look forward to reading another of Leon’s top notch books: Uppity women of The Renaissance (I can’t imagine what concoctions they were upto!)
Entertaining, Fascinating, Original and Educational as well ... I am so impressed with how good this book is!
And now...Here's a GIVEAWAY!!!  2 of my lucky Winners will win a copy of this fabulous book!! A great big Thank You goes to Walker Publishing Company and Allie Greenwald:)
To Enter:  MUST BE A FOLLOWER of this blog.  OPEN to Canada and US ONLY 
1 extra chance every time you tweet, Facebook, blog about this.
5 extra points for putting this on your sidebar.
 Winners Announced July 17th


Diane said...

Sounds fascinating! Thanks for entering me.

estrella8888 at roadrunner dot com

Linda said...

I enjoy books like this, with lots of interesting bits of knowledge. Thanks for the giveaway. I am a follower, thru Google Reader.


brokenteepee said...

I'm a follower.
It will be on my sidebar at www.brokenteepee.blogspot.com

kaiminani at gmail dot com

brokenteepee said...

I posted to my facebook
thank you
kaiminani at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Ohhh ohh! Sounds really interesting! Enter me, please :)

Tweeted here :)

I'm a follower under my Google account.

May said...

Glad to hear it wasn't too morbid- the title might have put me off. Sounds very intriguing, though.

mariag said...

Sounds like a fascinating read. Please enter me to win.

I follow.


Heather said...

This book sounds like one I wouldn't be able to put down. Please enter me in the contest.

heatherdpear at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Your review really makes me want to read it. I never knew any of that stuff. It would help to know something as I read historical novels. I would love to win it.


Anonymous said...

I have Mellifying the Corpse in my sidebar linking back to you.


Anonymous said...

I tweeted one time on Topazshell.

Shannon said...

Thank you for entering me. I'm a follower. =)
tiredwkids at live dot com

Unknown said...

Hey Lucy - great review. I look forward to reading this. I love when they make non-fiction fun. Please enter me for this giveaway. I put it on my sidebar http://www.themaidenscourt.blogspot.com and tweeted http://twitter.com/dolleygurl/status/17898002861. And of course I am a follower.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I visited her site today and spent a delightful 30 minutes or so. I enjoyed her wit and humor so much and actually learned quite a bit. I am going to be looking for her other books.

Thank you for the Giveaway.

I am a Follower.

librarypat AT comcast DOT net


looks good...i facebooked it...hope it helps

Amy said...

OOOhhhh please enter me! I love all of Vicki's books! Thanks so much!
I am a follower! :-)

tiger_fan_1997 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

This sounds like a fascinating book. I'm so glad to have found your site - I'm enjoying reading some of your past reviews. Thanks!

onebookshy (at) yahoo (dot) com

Rachel said...

I follow you on my Google Reader! Thanks for the giveaway!


Sandra K321 said...

I would enjoy reading this. I am scientifically oriented as are my 2 sons and they love unusual facts.

I follow your blog.


Renee G said...

I follow on GFC and would love to read this one.

Martha Lawson said...

I'd love to readthis one. Sounds great

I follow on gfc

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Ashley said...

I'm a follower. This sounds so interesting. I love learning things like this.

hewella1 at gmail dot com

Passages to the Past said...

Great review Lucy! Please enter my name in the giveaway - I'd love to check this one out!

I'm a follower :)

Mirella Patzer said...

Hey Lucy! I have been collecting all of Vicki Leon's books for years. They sit proudly on my bookshelf. So I'd dearly love to win this. I've added the book with your link on http://historyandwomen.blogspot.com, http://historicalnovelreview.blogspot.com, and http://scandalous-books.blogspot.com.

I've also tweeted this on all three of my Twitter Accounts! Always with a link to your blog.

My fingers are crossed!

Roberta said...

Wow Lucy, I never would have chosen this book based on the title alone because I would be afraid that it would be to technical and gorey...lol Sounds very interested indeed after reading your great review. Of course I'm a follower and now off to add this to my sidebar. Fondly, Roberta

Roberta said...

Just added the link to my facebook page ;)


Roberta said...

All set Lucy...added to my sidebar now as well!


FurryReaders said...

What an intriguing review! I would certainly like to be included in your giveaway.

Natalie~Coffee and a Book Chick said...

Oh wow!! This book is right up my alley!! I love reading non-fiction if it's written with an interest and passion for its subject -- the ones that are so dry and blah are a struggle to get through, but this sounds amazing! It is now on the TBR list! I just came across your blog and I will be a-followin'! :)

Cortney said...

I'm in it to win it! This book looks awesome! I posted a link on facebook and I've also added it to my sidebar. Thanks!



Nicole C. said...

I follow and think that this book sounds so interesting! I would love to read it!


Autumn said...

That sounds bizarrely interesting! My cup of tea!

autumn (dot) crochet (at) gmail (dot) com

Crystal dawn said...

This sounds like a fantastic read... I am a follower.

Crystal dawn said...

Here's my tweet http://twitter.com/contestaholic/status/18164889538

Blodeuedd said...

Lol, sounds like a fun one, I really should check my library for something else than just fiction

Michelle Stockard Miller said...

I've been hearing a lot about this book and I'm very interested. Thanks for the chance! I'm a loyal follower.


Unknown said...

I would love to read it.

nancysoffice at gmail dot com

debbie said...

I am a gfc follower. It sounds fascinating, I love reading books like this.

BurtonReview said...

Glad you liked this one so much, I'll have to keep an eye out forit. I still have to read the Uppity Medieval women book she wrote too!

Andie said...

I would love to read this, especially since you say it is a fun read.

Kitty said...

Seems as if it will be fun to read this book.

GFC Follower Kitty
maynekitty [at] live [dot] com

Breanne said...

I follow and this book sounds really interesting!

bmweida at yahoo dot com

Crystal dawn said...

retweet: http://twitter.com/contestaholic/status/18733752214


Crystal dawn said...

retweet: http://twitter.com/contestaholic/status/18833775155
