Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 5 of HF Bloggers Round Table- BOOK REVIEW, Sophia's Corner ...And...GIVEAWAY!!!!

Today wraps up this fantastic week-long event. For many of us, history is a passion where Royals of the past completely fascinate us. So to celebrate this last day, I have an absolute treat for both eyes and mind that will peak your curiosity...

Book Review : The Raucous Royals, by Carlyn Beccia

…I dare you to judge this book by its cover…

Trust your feeling-You’ll be right on.

Instantaneously this book will grab your attention with its gorgeous cover, regal writing, royal colours and cleverly amusing illustrations. A deliciously tempting visual fest, The Raucous Royals is filled with the most outrageous historical rumors that instantly captivate the interest. Your child will want to find out –Did that happen? That’s so funny! That didn’t happen!...Or, did it? No way to find out but to keep on reading; and that’s what will happen cause your child won’t let you put it down.

Carlyn Beccia (check out her blog)is a fantastic author! She has devised a sure way to whet a child’s appetite for history. The book is filled with guessing games, secret codes, experiments, quizzes and the most hilarious, almost caricature-like illustrations ever. And that’s only the half of it…the best part is savored in the history! That’s where you discover whether King Richard really did murder his nephews; or whether Anne Boleyn had six fingers; if Mary Queen of Scots plotted to assassinate her cousin Elizabeth I-or- if King Louis XIV took only three baths in his life! What?!

All rumors? Or fact? You won’t be misled. Everything is explained with clarity, fun, and complete accuracy. Carlyn Beccia’s work reveals itself as intelligent, witty, creative and well researched. The Raucous Royals is filled with interactive, thought provoking questions and topics that trigger the mind. Your child will love using his detective instincts to search and find out the truth while learning interesting historical facts. I just can’t say enough about the presentation and content of this book. Well written and beautifully illustrated; the book will captivate young children, while being sophisticated enough to keep older teens just as enthralled.

The perfect blend between historical accuracy and splendor in creative entertainment, The Raucous Royals depicts history through an amazingly unique and enticing approach that will have kids falling in love with the past.

Ages: 7…(adults will absolutely love this book too – along with the whole experience!)
What does Sophia have to say?

What I liked:

I liked reading about Henry VIII so much! He was so fat that his servant people carried him around. He’s my favourite and that was so funny. I even learned how to write the code like Mary the Queen of Scott. That was fun too.

What I think:

Right now this is my favourite, bestest book in the world.

Rating: 5 Castles butI want to give it 6!


One author-signed copy of THE RAUCOUS ROYALS!!!!

(US and Canada only)

For 1 chance: Leave a comment
2 chances: Tweet, or blog about this
3 chances: Become a follower (if you're already a follower, you automatically get this)

REMINDER: Also on todays HF Bloggers Round Table Schedule:

Historically Obsessed receives Royal Heiress of the Day: Marie
Guest Post: Me & Anne Boleyn

AND-- GET This...
At The Burton Review: Guest post by Robin Maxwell - AND - 2 GIVEAWAYS!!!

Plaidy's Royal Intrigue already has a GIVEAWAY going on right now...


Marie also has an update on ALL THE GIVEAWAYS LISTED SO FAR, on this last day of this spectacular event!!

Yet ANOTHER Original GIVEAWAY at All Things Royal..A must-enter!!

At Hist-Fic-Chick there's a GIVEAWAY of an autographed copy of Philippa Gregory's The Constant Princess!!

33 comments: said...

Hello I'm new to your corner of the world!
I love to win books, please include me.

I became a follower today!

Am posting a link on my blog,

dancealert at aol dot com

Unknown said...

Oh my stars! This looks wonderful! Would love to enter!!

I am a follower!

robinbird_79 AT hotmail DOT com

Sheila Deeth said...

I wandered here from Dedicated Book Reviewers on Book Blogs, and I'm so glad I did. So now I'm a follower. And I'd love to read this book.

sdeeth at msn dot com

Tudor Daughter said...

Oh Ms. Lucy this looks like a goodie that I must have!!!! I am follower and I have posted this on my blog

Celticlady's Reviews said...

I am a follower on Twitter, please include me!!


Passages to the Past said...

Me, me...pick me!!! Please enter me in the contest and you know I am one of your most devout followers!

I just LOVE the cover of Raucous Royals book and her blog is a daily MUST for me!

Sophia's review was awesome!!! Henry VIII is my favorite too!

avisannschild said...

Hi Lucy! Please enter me in this giveaway. It looks like something that would be fun to read and then share with my niece, who will be turning 7 soon. I'm a follower of course!

Rachel said...

I've been waiting to read this and I'm a follower! Thanks for the giveaway!

Luvdaylilies said...

I would so love to read this book & share it with my daughter, thanks for a chance to win a copy!
+3 I became a follower=)
Luvdaylilies at Bellsouth dot net

Libby's Library said...

I would love a chance - thanks so much for the giveaway. I became a follower today:-)
(I think via Neas Nuttiness)


BurtonReview said...

This would be fun to share with my 7 year old if I can get her off of the computer!
I subscribe to their website and they always have the strangest facts posted about the earlier days, it is quite a treat!
Pls enter me!
Follower *wink wink

Daphne said...

I would love to be entered and I"m a follower.


ibeeeg said...

This looks like a book I should have in my home to share with the children. Heck...for me to read. *smile*

Please enter me.
I follow your blog.
Posted a link about this giveaway on my blog's sidebar.


Anonymous said...

Hi :)
Thank you for the awesome giveaway!
All the best,

The Tome Traveller said...

What fun! Please enter me! I'm a follower...

thetometraveller *at* yahoo (dot) com

Michelle Stockard Miller said...
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Michelle Stockard Miller said...
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Michelle Stockard Miller said...

This sounds good! I'm assuming that Sophia is your daughter. Very clever-and cute-comments by her. I have 6 and 7 year old boys...I think they will like this too.



Michelle Stockard Miller said...

I tweeted about the giveaway:


Michelle Stockard Miller said...

I just started following via Google friend connect on your Leonardo's Swans giveaway so I am a follower. =)

A Bookshelf Monstrosity said...

Please include me in this giveaway. THanks!

amanda n.

A Bookshelf Monstrosity said...

tweet tweet:

Amanda n.

A Bookshelf Monstrosity said...


amanda n.

Carol M said...

This would be perfect for my grandson who just turned seven! Thank you for the giveaway!

I'm a follower.

Carol M
mittens0831 at aol dot com

Kirsten Steen said...

Hi Ms. Lucy~ And wow! So much going on over here and I've fallen behind. Must get caught up. Thanks for visiting me and can't wait to find out more about your Round Table!
Happy weekend to you!

mrsshukra said...

I would like to be entered!!!



Alyssa F said...

Sounds like a great book. Please enter me!


Alyce said...

I would love to be entered to win!

I'm following your blog.

akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

Brimful Curiosities said...

Sounds very interesting. Thanks.
pvilletoygirl at g m a i l dot com

Amanda said...

Oh great giveaway! I've been wanting to read this and love their website. And I am a follower. Thanks!

nycbookgirl at gmail dot com

Kim said...

I'm sorry I missed out on all this fun--little behind on my Google R. But I am on board now. I always judge a book by its cover, and this one is a hoot!

BTW...I am a close tie between Emma Woodhouse and Catherine Moreland. Maybe I am more Emma now that I am all growed up?

Anonymous said...

would love this book...count me in.

karen k

Rachel said...

Is this giveaway still open? If so I'd love to be entered. And I'm a follower!