Austen fans will delight in this quick, witty and delectable read. Lady Susan, by Jane Austen is one of the prolific author's earliest works and a true indicator of brilliant masterpieces to follow. I chose this read as part of my Everything Austen Challenge- and I’m so glad I did! It consists of 41 letters exchanged between family members- revolving around this infamous Lady Susan. A stunningly elegant beauty, embracing the most treacherous of characters, Lady Susan is capable of maneuvering and swaying others (specifically the opposite gender) into believing the very best of her…
At a mere 71 pages, the letters don’t skip a beat in keeping you entertained and totally involved in the plotting of Lady Susan’s twists and deceptions. Claiming that all the females in her family are against her, she confides solely in her friend Mrs. Johnson, who is equally as conniving as she is. Lady Susan becomes involved with more than one gentleman and decidedly rips apart relationships of sorts in trying to gain the admiration and infatuation of at least three of these.
In the middle of all this scheming, and affected by it all are; her daughter (to whom she shows no care of any sort); her brother and sister-in-law (who catch-on to who she really is); her sister-in-law’s brother (who falls in love with her) and parents (who are bereaved by it all)…to name a few. All in the name of what you ask? Being a coquettish pro, Lady Susan desires freedom to flirt while respectfully mingling in society, enhanced by the cherishing comforts of wealth within a marriage ...and preferably to a man who’d be oblivious to it all.
If you’re in need of a quick Austen fix, I recommend you read this. You won’t be disappointed. Loved it!
I’d like to mention that if it hadn’t been for a super nice, friendly and talented blogger friend of mine: Maria Grazia from Fly High (she’s also an excellent teacher who happens to live in Rome)- I wouldn’t have even known about Lady Susan! It was only after reading her wonderful and detailed review on this work by Jane Austen, that made me want to search for it online. Go check out her amazing and well-read blog.
I should also mention that I easily read this one online. If you’d like to read more works online by Jane Austen, including Lady Susan, go to: http://www.pemberley.com/janeinfo/janeinfo.html
I've not read this one. Sounds interesting.
What can I say? You managed to catch the gist of it in your short but to-the-point review of LADY SUSAN. It was such a pleasure to read it ! Well,of course, I'm flattered by your enthusiastic compliments! Quite embarassed, actually. But I want to remind you that it is thanks to YOU, Lucy, that I entered this wonderful challenge. So ...deuce! Hugs.
I haven't heard of this one before -- one of many I am sure. I will put it on the list for the JA challenge. Thanks!
Wow- talk about stimulating interest in a little-known work! Thanks! I believe I've looked briefly at this one in the past, but never in depth- something that will have to change now!
Thanks for posting this, I'll go check it out!
I have a Penguin edition containing "Lady Susan," "The Watsons," and "Sanditon" in one volume.
Ah, you've made it sound so lovely! I'm definitely going to read this...maybe tonight, even, since it's available online! Great review!
Okay - Confession: I've never read anything by Jane Austen. Terrible, I know. But Lady Susan sounds wonderful! I think it will be a really great read to start me off on Austen, especially because you call it a "quick Austen fix." Thanks for the review Lucy! :)
I JUST got this one =) I am looking forward to it, especially after a fabulous review like this one!
I am glad the Austen challenge is going on, otherwise I would have pushed the other Austen things on the back burner.
This sounds interesting! I've never even heard of it before now!
I have a little something for you here:
Great review. I am so glad to see that you enjoyed it. I also read it and reviewed it during 'A Soiree with Lady Susan'. I'm sorry you missed it. I would have loved to share thoughts during the group read.
Wow, love the online works of Jane Austen site! I haven't read enough so really enjoy your reviews.
Have a lovely weekend!
Oh, yes, a quick Austen fix would be excellent and I happen to have this in Mt. TBR. Think I'll go dig it out right now.
OOH nice and short and it is Austen.... I could read this for the challenge! I really need to update my challenge posts...LOL
I am embarrassed to say that I may have to read other Austen works before I try this one. Yes, it's true, I only read one book, Pride and Prejudice and it was years ago in college. I really have to change this miserable situation, lol!
I have heard of this but never read it. Must remedy that situation especially after your wonderfully concise review.
I still haven't gotten to this one yet, but it's on my list! thanks for the review!
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