Splendidly written, The Virgin's Daughters, by Jeane Westin, captures the essence of service, honour and love in the court of Elizabeth I. Stories of ladies–in-waiting and their relationship and attachment to their queen are really tops in my list of favourites to read, in both fiction and non-fiction. So, I was peeked with interest in this particular novel, where the author unravels the turbulent love stories of two such ladies living similar journeys leading towards different outcomes.
The story begins with Lady Katherine Grey, sister of the beheaded Jane Grey- and cousin to Elizabeth I. Kate was torn between her love of service for the Queen and her lifelong love, Edward Seymore (in direct lineage with Jane Seymore, Henry VIII’s third wife; hence first cousin of Edward VI). Let’s just say that with lovers of such high pedigree, Kate’s position at court was of more than particular interest to all. Not only did Kate serve the Queen-she was also named successor to the throne, in accordance to the will of Henry VIII, her uncle. A marriage to her beloved ‘Ned’ invited the possibility of future male heirs; whom, Elizabeth deduced, would have most certainly jeopardized her throne.
The second part of the book is about Mary Rogers, a distant (and decades younger) cousin of both Elizabeth I and Katherine Grey. ‘Mouse’ as Elizabeth often called her, was more of a country girl than a noble. With great aspiration to completely devote herself to her Queen, Mary never swayed. When love to John Harrington (Elizabeth’s godson), was forbidden in order to permit a promised marriage of which Mary wanted no part, loyalty to her Queen again prevailed.
In conjunction, The Virgin’s Daughters, takes us through the life of the young and beautiful Elizabeth I and her tumultuous relationship with Robert Dudley, her impossible, yet everlasting love. The second part sees an aged and less lustrous Elizabeth in her ending years, with the Earl of Essex playing the role of deplorable substitute as favourite to the Queen. Throughout the book, we can sense Elizabeth’s emotions and reactions towards these men and the importance they held in her life. Consequently, Elizabeth’s decisions regarding her ladies were exercised through the reasoning and beliefs she held about love and loyalty and all that it entailed. It would only be logical for her to expect no less from those in her service- sacrifice for a higher purpose. Elizabeth reigned supreme and ultimately, love for her country always came first.
Throughout the book I kept hoping for my desolate heroines, and every time, the unexpected happened. I enjoy it when a book keeps me this entertained. As for Elizabeth, her portrayal, which had me despising her, also led me to an unwitting, yet forceful need to admire her. I’ve never been a die-hard fan of Elizabeth (yeah, I’m one of those-sorry), but her portrayal in this beautiful novel, manages to bring forth her greatness as ruler and sovereign without ever undermining her vulnerability as woman, lover and ...mother. Unfaltering to the end, Elizabeth was faithfully committed for the sake of a higher purpose. When seen under this light, I began to comprehend Elizabeth’s difficult choices and their impact on history. In The Virgin’s Daughters, the Queen’s verdict always determined love’s fate, albeit at a cost to all those involved…even Elizabeth.
Historically accurate and beautifully written, you will find more than just love stories to remember along with the insuperable power of a queen. The Virgin’s Daughters takes you deeper –distinguishing itself by making a significant impression that will leave you pondering about forbidden love and royal reasoning in the times of Elizabeth I.
Special Thanks to Penguin Books:)
This week I will also have the pleasure of having Jeane Westin guest post here on Enchanted by Josephine. Look forward to a most insightful article on Elizabeth - along with a great Giveaway of her book!

This looks wonderful! What a great read.
Thanks for sharing! Elizabeth I is one of my favourite Regents, so I'll have to hunt down a copy for myself. :)
Wonderful review. This sounds like a facinating read. I have read a little about Katherine Grey but know nothing of the other woman. I too like to read stories told about the lesser known type person.
I've been curious about this one for awhile. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. In my TBR list!
What a great review! I will have to keep my eyes out for this one! You have such a beautiful blog, I love it!! I found you through Cindy's blog!
Wow what a glowing review. Just goes to show how different a lot of our fellow bloggers are, I've seen reviews all over up and down for this one. WOW I am so glad you enjoyed this, specifically because it brings you over to my dark side of obsessive compulsive disorder for anything Tudor Era. =)
Ms. Westin should be very proud of this review.
Thanks Ms Lucy!
ps. are you going to slap me now or later.. I just realized I am not following you.. yet... *runs and hides in shame* (after I hit the Follow button..)
Great review! I'm fascinated by the Tudor times in British History and this may be a wonderful read to be full immersed in that period. So, looking forward to reading Jeane Westin's article on your blog
Thanks for sharing Lucy!
Great review Ms Lucy! I'll have to put this one on my WL. Thanks!
This looks excellent. Thank you for the lovely review.
Sounds really good! I'm with you - not a fan of Elizabeth I, but the reading is always fascinating!
Thanks so much Lucy for the lovely review. You helped me see my characters through new eyes and that's always a treat for a writer.
Jeane Westin, www.jeanewestin.com
Great review, I have yet to get to this one. Like you brought up I am a bit burnt out on Elizabeth lately. I can only take so much of her. I do want to read this one though especially with the review you did.
I love the new layout it is superb! You did a kick butt job on it. Sorry I have been MIA lately. Working on buying our first home and it is stressing me out to the nine. Miss you!
I took this book out from the library :) can't wait to read it. It does look excellent. Great review!
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