As part of the Historical fiction Bloggers Round Table Event for June,
Here is my review of Catherine Delors splendid novel: For The King:
On Sale July 8th
Look at that gorgeous cover- The inside is even better!
I have been excited about this book’s release ever since I first read mention of it on Delors’ Versailles and More blog, awhile back. What could be more appealing to me than a book set in France during the Revolution- with a sneak peak at both Josephine and Bonaparte, and involving characters such as Fouché- well-Obviously I couldn’t wait to devour this!
I was ready to escape to a time filled with intriguing history, some romance...the usual? No way! This one involves a full-fledged mystery to boot! I was delighted by this unexpectedly captivating ride! Chief Inspector Miquel Roch is on a mission to uncover the truth behind the resulting massacre in the attempt to blow away First Consul himself, Bonaparte. Who masterminded this failed operation? The suspects are on the run, but the clues are numerous. One mystery person works behind the scene to help move the whole operation forward...For The King....
Jacobites, Chouans, Royalists- typically anyone of these groups would have had motive to want do away with Napoloen, the Usurper...This is a mystery with more at stake than Inspector Roch could have ever imagined; For one, his father’s life depends on it.
Truth be told, no matter how good the mystery, I always need a heroine in my stories to keep me hooked. And so, just to make it that more appealing, For The King, has a variety of entertaining French ladies; especially, one particularly tempting Blanche, who happens to be keeper of quite a few heartbeats...literally.
For The King is an intriguing tale spun around actual history. The time frame, setting, plotted assassination, the accused, as well as many of the characters encountered in this read- all real. This made the story that more attractive to me. Delors’ attention to detail and impeccable historical accuracy is remarkable. I was truly delighted to embark in this unexpected mystery that fulfilled more than the promise of another entertaining French historical fiction.
If you are fascinated by the French Revolution and the tumultuous changes of the times, you will absolutely want to read this- it's so interesting! Splendid!
Please NOTE: There's a whole ton of stuff happening this week for this Grand Event. Please check the Historical Fiction round Table CALENDAR on a daily basis to find out more.

I follow your blog through Google Reader, and I would love to read this book. I've read several interesting reviews of it. Thanks for the giveaway.
Great review, as usual, Lucy! I really enjoyed that this was moer of a mystery feel, something a little different that the norm. I am looking forward to the reviews and posts on the Round Table, should be Awesome as usual.
Woohoo! I've been waiting for this book to come out as I love loved Mistress of the Revolution. Thank you so much for the chance to win it. I am a follower and here's my email:
nycbookgirl at gmail dot com
I would love to win this book. Thank you for entering me. I'm a follower.
tiredwkids at live dot com
Wonderful review Lucy and of course I'd love to read this and add to your French Historical Challenge ;) You and my niece are both verocious readers...I need to catch up...ha! I do really well when I get away from the house like go to the pool for an afternoon or when we travel...but at home I'm too I try to read at night...but as DH says...I run around so much during the day that when I finally sit down...I drop fast...fall asleep when I try to read at night! I'm off now to add your giveaway link to my sidebar. Have a great day, fondly, Roberta
Hey Lucy...posted the link on my sidebar and now on Facebook as well.!/profile.php?id=1222723325
Sounds fascinating!
Please enter me.
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I posted it on my sidebar at
I added it to my facebook!/pattyleonardwoodland?v=wall&story_fbid=123598227681832
I tweeted
thank you
kaiminani at gmail dot com
Very good review Lucy. You are spot on!
I'm currently reading her first novel Mistress of the Revolution and am loving it, so sign me up for this one!
I follow your blog via Google reader. I would love to read For the King.
nancysoffice at gmail dot com
I am so honored to be featured on your lovely blog and at the Round Table. Thanks for the great review!
I'm a follower! Thank you for the giveaway!
Awesome review Lucy! This one is just up your alley, but also enjoyable to those of us not Bonaparte experts :) No need to enter me.
I'm a follower. Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks!
I loved her first book and your review has whet my appetite for For the King. Please enter me.
tmrtini at gmail dot com
This sounds interesting. I am a follower of your blog, thanks for the giveaway! :O)
estrella8888 at roadrunner dot com
Very nice review - I figured that you would have a ball with this one Lucy! Can't wait to add my review to your challenge!
Glad you enjoyed this, Lucy. I knew it would be just your cup of tea given the era. I liked that it was a mystery too!
I tweeted
thank you
kaiminani at gmail dot com
I am a Follower.
librarypat AT comcast DOT net
I too have been waiting for this book. All I have heard about it so far has been good. I am so please with the research into and accuracy of the history of the events and people. I have been looking forward to this book's release as well as the HFBRT events related to it. I love a good mystery and this sounds like it will fill the bill.
I am SO looking forward to this book! Please enter me in the giveaway! I am a loyal follower. :-) Thanks!
tiger_fan_1997 at yahoo dot com
Please enter me for this giveaway.
I follow on GFC
I'm looking forward to reading Catherine Delor's books! Thank you for the excellent review.
I'm a follower w/ Google Friend Connect. I'd LOVE to read this book!
I agree, that cover is amazing. I'd love the chance to read this book.
Great review! I haven't read as much historical fiction lately and I really miss it. This one looks (such an attractive cover) and sounds intriguing. Please enter me.
laura at laurafabiani dot com
I won this book at The Burton Review so you can pull my entries and make it easier for others to win.
I love historical fiction! This books sounds like a great read. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks.
onebookshy (at) yahoo (dot) com
I am a follower and would love to read For The King.
I'm a follower.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
I'm a follower.
Sounds great. I love historical fiction.
caliblue7 at gmail dot com
Thanks for the chance. I am a GFC Follower.
dakotasky55 at gmail dot com
Brand new follower! Found you through The Maiden's Court and HFBRT. I would love to be entered in your "For the King" giveaway, I have been anticipating this book since reading her first book last year.
Pricilla - Congratulations on your win!
I'm a follower and I'd love to win.
cwilliams127 at gmail dot com
cwilliams127 at gmail dot com
I am a follower. This is a great giveaway.
For the King looks amazing. I am in such a mood for a good historical fiction read.
journey through books @ gmail dot com
follower :)
As I said before I am a fan of Ms. Delors first book and would love to own this new novel. I follow "Josephine" through My Yahoo. (I love The Empress and if I get to heaven the first thing I want to see is her dazzling smile)
I tried to tweet this but I'm a techno-munchkin and I don't think I did it properly!
Anyway please consider my entry and thank you for the giveaway!
This book sound great, can't wait to read it!
Im a follower.... love the review... would love to win this.
Here's my tweet:
I am a Follower thru Google, please count me in. Thank you!
+2 extra points, I have blogged about it, thank you!
Nunezbella at
Google follower, thanks!
I am a gfc follower.
I would love to read the book.
Had to share your contest on my blog. I absolutely love a good historic novel. Will be reading this one for sure.
This book sounds wonderful, please enter me in your giveaway! I am a GFC follower (COlleen Turner).
I'm a follower, I'd love to read this book! k8thebookbuff at yahoo dot com
I am a new follower and would love to be chosen you lucky winner!
Thank you for hosting this giveaway.
terrymac1a at hotmail dot com
Cannot wait to read this book! Just read your review again. I think I will have to pick this one up next time I'm near a bookstore!
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