Friday, November 13, 2009

Book Review: Cleopatra's Daughter + GIVEAWAY

Michelle Moran’s books have helped revive my fascination for all that is ancient.  The characters encountered in her books, such as in Nefertiti, the Heretic Queen and now, Cleopatra’s Daughter, are ones that many of us have read about before.  Never though, have they been portrayed as incredibly interesting, intricate, deep and real as seen in Moran’s books.

Cleopatra’s Daughter grabbed my interest immediately.  The thought of reading about Cleopatra’s children; their thoughts and emotions within the first pages and throughout, was exhilarating to say the least.  I can’t think of a book that has yet to have transported me into ancient times with such vivid imagery as this one.  The ancient world is not one that can be depicted with ease.  Yet, Moran magnificently brings out the splendor, the glitter, the gold, the exquisite and the opulent-living in contrast with the coarse  and crude, all at their origin. 
I was amazed by the clash of class and refinement between the Greeks (and Egyptians, both in Alexandria) and the Romans of the times.  The differences in not only customs, fashion, architecture, but especially in languages and education, left me in awe. Cleopatra stands out as the regal queen of knowledge meshed with beauty, glamour and class.  She  also strongly believed in equality between genders- allowing her daughter the same privileges as her sons.  Culture and Education were most important to her and she made sure that Marc Anthony also was taught Greek and more; there where his Roman upbringing lacked.
But this was not only a story of awesome history and facts- Cleopatra’s Daughter mostly focuses on Selene and Alexander’s life after the death of their beloved parents.  Forcibly brought back to Rome, these last surviving heirs of Alexander The Great, were expected to live as Romans within the palace of Augustus (Octavian), the man responsible for the dreadful fate of Cleopatra and Marc Anthony.
I loved learning about life in ancient Rome and how these teens (throughout the story they seemed so much older than their actual age) dealt with every obstacle and challenge they faced.  So much is dealt with in this book.  These royal twins faced with an unbelievable turn of fate were extremely close.  I enjoyed that they could speak in a different language when secrecy was necessary; another of the benefits brought about by Cleopatra’s expectations of culture and education at its finest.
In this beautiful novel, we encounter many historical figures such as Octavia (Marc Anthony’s wife prior to Cleopatra- and also Augustus’s sister),  a Numidian Prince, Augustus’ daughter, Julia, Marcellus, Octavia’s son, a beautiful Gaelic slave, Gallia, and the infamous architect Vitruvius, to name a few.  Each has a superb role in this novel that unravels to perfection, culminating in an ending that will leave you breathless- Let me just say that the last fifty or so pages kept me glued with anxiety and endless tearing.
A story that absolutely needs to be read! Excellent!
Side Note:  Moran provides a glossary of terms, list of names, a map of the time, as well as, an historical follow-up of the characters and their fate.
Cleopatra’s Daughter will appeal to readers of history, mystery, love, romance, intrigue, arts and culture, anthropology and so much more-without an ounce of drudgery- an incredibly easy-to read page turner.  There’s something for everyone in this fabulous book.

NOTE: Because this book touches upon the relevance of equality in women seen by how Selene was brought up by the Great Cleopatra - for the way she was educated in architecture (amongst other disciplines), a field only accessible to men at the time- and brought up as an equal with her twin brother...I deem this book perfectly qualified for the Women Unbound Challenge.

And now … who will be the LUCKY ONE to win this GIVEAWAY???
A Big Thanks to Michelle Moran and Crown-Random House, I have an extra copy here for one of my lucky followers! 
(US and Canada only)

1 Chance:  Leave a comment with your email.
5 Chances: Become a Follower of my Blog (If you’re already a follower, you get this automatically)
5 Chances: Place this on your Side bar or Blog about it.
2 EXTRA Chances every time you tweet and leave me the link
Winners announced on November 22nd.


Anonymous said...

This has been on my 'wish list' for a long time...thanks for the opportunity to read it.

karen k

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you really enjoyed this read :) I'll have to check it out... I've never read a Michele Moran novel.

I'm following.

aliciaeflores1 @

Daphne said...

This was one of my favorite reads this year. Glad you enjoyed it (no need to enter me in the contest).

Angie said...

Oh, this sounds like a great read! Please enter me.

sundaisy920 at gmail dot com

Thank you! :)

I'm now a follower. :)

Anonymous said...

(I already have Cleopatra's Daughter)
Just wanted to thank you for the thoughtful review.
I also wanted to let you know I posted your review & giveaway on my blog.
Thank you for sharing,
All the best,

Emma said...

Cleopatra’s Daughter sounds wonderful.Please enter me in the giveaway.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.Thank you.

brokenteepee said...

This is another one I would really love to read.
(I overtweeted didn't I? Bad goat, bad, bad goat)

Thank you
kaiminani at gmail dot com

I follow...

brokenteepee said...

erm, I tweeted
kaiminani at gmail dot com

Blodeuedd said...

Nice review.
Oh I loved this book when I read it, one of the best I have read this year. It felt so near

Dani said...

This sounds like a wondeful book I would love to have a chance to read it i am already a follower. and your post shows up on my side bar as well so please enter me in the drawing.

Christy B said...

This has been on my wish list forever! Won't hurt to try to win it again!

I am already a follower and I added a link to this post on my right sidebar:

Anonymous said...

I am a follower of your blog and would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks.

mariag said...

This book has been on my wish list for a long time.

I follow

Unknown said...

No need to enter me as I have my own copy - but I loved this book, like her others. I absolutely cannot wait until her next one comes out. And she is a very nice person. Great review Lucy, I feel the same way!

Nikki in Niagara said...

I'd love a chance to win this! Thanks! nicolama at cogeco dot ca

Martha Lawson said...

This sounds like a really good book. Please count me in.

I am a follower

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

cpullum said...

I would love to read this book!

Marian Perera said...

I've read so many great reviews about this book... the only thing I haven't read is the book itself. :) Please enter me into the giveaway!


mdperera at hotmail dot com

tetewa said...

I'd like to be included, count me in!

BurtonReview said...

Don't enter me.. but wanted to congratulate you on your review; so glad you enjoyed it!

Mara Sop said...

I will love to learn this book... But, I live in Brazil and this not to sell here yet =(

This is so sad! So as my english to write, lol

my e-mail is and I'm a follower here to, so as in twitter! \o/

Brimful Curiosities said...

I've seen so many positive reviews of this book that I've decided that I must read it. Thanks for the giveaway.
email in blogger profile

catss99 said...

Please enter me! this looks great.

Hot Off the Shelves said...

I've had my eye on this book since I first read about it (I'm pretty sure it was here). Please enter me. I am already a follower.


Sue said...

I'd love to win this. Thanks for sharing.

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

Anna said...

No need to enter me. Just wanted to say I enjoyed your review and that I'm glad you loved this book as much as I did!

Diary of an Eccentric

Roberta said...

Wow Lucy...have a really hard time leaving a comment...this is my third attempt...keep getting a blogger error message. Don't know if anyone else is having trouble, so just wanted to let you know. Anyhow, great book and giveaway, thanks again! Your friend and follower, Roberta

I've posted on facebook:
and posted on my blog and added the link to my sidebar as well:

Maria Grazia said...

As you know, I've won this book a couple of months ago and got an autographed copy just thanks to your blog! I only wanted to wish good luck to all the participants and say I've just finished reading it. It was a wonderful book! I've loved reading it. A real page turner. I've just posted a review on my blog.
THANK YOU MS LUCY! And thanks to Michelle Moran. She's a great story-teller and her historical accuracy is admirable.

Jessica said...

I love her books! Please enter me.

brokenteepee said...

Ok - I couldn't help myself I tweeted again

kaiminani at gmail dot com

LipGlossAndLetDown678 said...

This sounds like a book I'd enjoy :)

Lipglossandletdown678 at

LipGlossAndLetDown678 said...

I'm following your blog now.

lipglossandletdown678 at

LipGlossAndLetDown678 said...

Also tweeted,

lipglossandletdown678 at

LipGlossAndLetDown678 said...

Was tweeting, so I did another for your contest :)

lipglossandletdown678 at

MarionG said...

Hi I'm a follower. polo-puppy-fluffyAThotmail *dot* com. Cheers

MarionG said...

I would love to read this book. Sounds great. polo-puppy-fluffyAThotmail *dot* com It would be the perfect entertainment for Christmas time.

Marjorie/cenya2 said...

I won the bookmarks for this book and I sure
would love to win this super giveaway.
Please count me in.

I follow by google reader.

Kath' said...

I am a follower now, Thanks for the chance of winning something that sounds so good. I would love to have a new good read. I am having a blog contest at the end of next week come join me and enter into mine also at and Thanks again Kath'

Lana said...

No need to enter me, I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed your review - I've linked to you here.

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