Incidental…or not so Incidental, Lady Rosamund Clifford
In reading the Plantagenet Prelude, by Jean Plaidy, we come across more than just a passer-by incidental type of lady; this one happened to be a favourite mistress of Henry II, or so I think...
I was intrigued by this mistress who was most probably a total change of pace for Henry, when compared to Eleanore. Read the rest here.
Hi Leslie:) The painting is owned by the De Morgan Foundation; it's by Evelyn Pickering deMorgan but the date is not exact. I'd say late 19th c- early 20th max. I love this painting. There's so much detail that tells a tale on its own. Thanks:)
Oooh, Lucy! I wrote about Henry's relationship with Rosamund de Clifford ("The Fair Rosamund") in ROYAL AFFAIRS. She was only 16 when they met.
That's an amazing illustration, by the way. Who's the artist? It's very 19th century Pre-Raphaelite.
Hi Leslie:) The painting is owned by the De Morgan Foundation; it's by Evelyn Pickering deMorgan but the date is not exact. I'd say late 19th c- early 20th max. I love this painting. There's so much detail that tells a tale on its own. Thanks:)
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