Good morning! I must say that I woke up quite inspired today, and much of it has to do with two of my favourite blogs that I follow. Just recently at Marie-Antoinette’s Gossip Guide, there was a dreamy post about ‘Marie-Antoinette’s beloved grotto at Petit Trianon’. Then, this morning on Tea at Trianon, another interesting post about St. Bernadette…
This interesting mix of readings about grottos and saints set me off dreaming about my childhood summers in beautiful
My grandmother has since passed away, but after so many years I still have a special blessing that she left for me; a small bottle of holy water in the shape of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Thank you Lauren and Elena for reviving such peaceful memories to begin my day.
If you are interested on reading more about the miracles of Lourdes, see the writings of Rev. Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson.
How delightful to think of both grottoes in the same post!
Oh how lovely!!!
hi there. i enjoyed your "reminder" about "the kings girls" and new france...
i grew up in toronto and remember many social studies discussions on this concept and of the history of canada...and enjoyed many winters skiing in quebec!
Elena- Really, it was such an inspiration-I just had to write about it when I saw your post this morning. Nothing is a coincidence. Thanks.
Lauren- Thank you...there's just soemthing about the serenity of a grotto. Your post and Elena's are what got me going.
Katie- I'm glad you enjoyed the post. Personally,I love that piece of history; it just boggles my mind to go to the roots of this ancestry. You'd love skiing today in Quebec...we're snowed in due to a blizzard!
Great post. When I was a kid, my mom used to read me stories from the lives of the saints. It made the stories in the bible so much more interesting.
Wasn't Louis XIV's birth credited to his mom taking the waters? I can't remember now, but I truly believe in their powers.
A wonderful post and blog. I love history too, as I guess you can tell from my blog. Thanks for visiting and commenting.
Hi Bearded Lady! Oh, so you have fond memories too, I'm sure. I used to love the time I spent with my grandmother when she told those stories- it brought us so close.
Anne of Austria and Louis XIII used to go to Forges-les-Eauxto to help them conceive, you're right- these were thermal waters, though. The spiritual part of his conception was through Novena's that the people did for the Queen. Thanks for bringing this up! If you'd like to know more, there's a site on this. Go to: http://www.nd-de-graces.com/history/brother_fiacre.htm
Hello Hummingbird. History is fascinating, this is true. Your site is really great; so many facts and points of interest. Thanks for visiting.
Hi Lucy! This reminds me of the dauntless faith I had growing up as a young girl. I, too grew up with stories of awesome miracles and God’s everlasting kindness. It was a great time, believing without any questions.
I tried to recapture that lately. Unfortunately, the religious background of my younger years has now been tainted with many questions regarding organized religion and their hidden meanness.
I wish it wasn’t so; but now I have to find my own brand of child-like simple spirituality and I can no longer follow the many comforting ritual ceremonies and prayers I so loved as a child. There is something just so special about those.
Still, I believe that God rocks of awesome and total love, and relates to me in the best way he can reach me, or I can reach Him.
Thanks for bring up the old memories. Love the post and the pictures.
Hi Lucy, It's me again. I was about to leave your blog and I just feel a nudge in my spirit. I can't help but think that this may be instrumental to some divine message. Hmmm...something I need to think about.
Hi Teresa! I hope this really does help bring you the inspiration you're looking for. You never know what life has to offer!
Everyone has their own way of relating to God, this is true. Just the fact that the memories brought back a time of love, goodness and comfort, is a message in itself;-)
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