We pretty much got up early every morning-map in hand- and off we went scouring through Paris and its surroundings. Amongst other things, I got to see Versailles- The private rooms (I took a Conference tour which was detailed to the max! And I loved every minute). Marie Antoinette’s Trianon was a dream (conference for that too).
Le Louvre was immense and non-ending (just like I remembered it). I revelled at my favourite works of art as my VERY patient husband was the perfect touring partner-if it weren’t for him I would have gotten lost most of the time!
And what about Josephine...Yes! I did visit Malmaison and loved the town as well. I ended that day with a special walk to la Petite Malmaison. I must admit that I was very welcomed by the Count himself who is now the owner of Josephine’s prior estate. A refreshing tea was served and a description of Josephine’s roses and the nurseries that she tended to was very informative.
We saw so much! I’ll be posting photos as I go along. Today I just wanted to give you a bit of a taste of what I enjoyed.